You can come to Praktijk Speelkracht if you have a request for help about:

  • Anxiety problems
  • Negative self-image
  • Overload, stress, burn-out, problems with work / study
  • Over-stimulation
  • Relationship problems
  • Grief and loss
  • Social-emotional problems
  • Traumatic experiences
  • Self-care on a psychological and emotional level

Help requests can translate to:

  • Wanting to learn to cope differently with feelings and/or behaviors
  • Surviving grief and loss
  • Rationalizing less (being in the head) and making more contact with feelings
  • Understanding the self and listening to feelings
  • Not being allowed to be a child, not being allowed to play and wanting to change this
  • Being very focused on right and wrong, perfectionism
  • Having trouble setting boundaries
  • Learning to reflect and anticipate about your own needs and wishes
  • Wanting to gain insight into your own internal world of experience and convert unhelpful behavior into helpful behavior
  • Experiencing (more) freedom in thinking, feeling and acting

Do you doubt whether you can go to Praktijk Speelkracht with your request for help? Please feel free to contact me, I would be happy to think along with you.

Independent dramatherapy of a combination treatment trajectory with psychotherapy

At Praktijk Speelkracht you can choose between independent dramatherapy or a combination treatment program with psychotherapy. If you are interested, please contact me first to discuss the possibilities.

In the case of independent dramatherapy you follow the dramatherapy treatment and you do not receive any other care in collaboration with Praktijk Speelkracht. This independent treatment involves costs. Sometimes a partial reimbursement is available from your (Dutch) health insurance. Look at rates and reimbursement. A referral is not necessary for an independent dramatherapy treatment program.

In the case of a combination treatment program, the dramatherapy treatment becomes part of your psychotherapeutic treatment with a primary (directing) practitioner. No extra costs are attached to the dramatherapy, because Praktijk Speelkracht is used as co-treatment. Depending on your needs and wishes, the treatment is partly carried out by a psychotherapist and partly by Praktijk Speelkracht. These two professionals work closely together, consult with each other and the treatments complement each other. Depending on the possibilities, at least 30% of your treatment trajectory will be carried out by the (main) directing practitioner and a large part can be carried out by Praktijk Speelkracht.

For this combination program I work with one national organization, called 1NP, and two local practices: Empower Psychotherapy and Praktijk Bilderbeek. 1NP is an organization for the basic and specialist GGZ (mental health care). 1NP provides regional multidisciplinary directional teams. These directional teams consist of GGZ specialists and dramatherapy can be used as part of a treatment program in combination with psychotherapy. The costs of your treatment will then be covered in full by your (dutch) basic health insurance package (with the exception of your deductible).

Empower Psychotherapy and Praktijk Bilderbeek are two local GGZ practices that can use me as a co-treatment provider in your treatment program. Some health insurers offer a reimbursement for treatment programs at Empower Psychotherapy and Praktijk Bilderbeek, please check with your health insurer.

To follow a combination treatment program with psychotherapy, a referral letter from the doctor is needed. This referral letter must indicate the need for drama therapy.